Happy // Ehh...

Oct 14, 2005 18:57

Yeah so lately life has been really good but yet shitty...

So today I found out that I made TITANIUM! I was sooo happy! People told me like Thursday but I couldn't check the list because of my toe...

Now on Wednesday I was babysitting and I stubbed my toe REALLY REALLY hard because I was running for the little kid because he was going to hit his head and I didn't feel like hearing him scream and cry at the top of his lungs SO I was running and got him, but instead I got hurt and I wanted to cry it hurt so bad, but TOUGH Katie didn't cry =) Are you impressed yet? Haha, well I went to the doctors the next morning and they told me I have a broken toe, so they gave me this boot thingy and I have to use my crutches from 6TH GRADE - AND NO I AM NOT THE SAME HEIGHT AS 6TH GRADE, I HAD TO RAISE THEM! So yeah, I didn't get to check the list till today, but the good things about having a broken toe is I don't have to carry my backpack for 1 WEEK & I get to use the elevator! But the bad part is I am missing one week of cheerleading and our competition is in like 2 weeks or so? Yeah, so just a little mad there...

Also shitty today because my brother absolutly hates me, like HATES me...We had a "talk" about it and he always looks at the bad sides of me, and I just want to be the best little sister, and him to be there but he doesn't care ='[ At least I have Ryan by my side...

Please Comment To Make Me Feel Better =)

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