So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool...
Opening Credits: "The Earth Died Screaming" Tom Waits
Pretty dark movie, probably...but certainly one I'd want to see, with a soundtrack like that.
Waking Up: "A Well Respected Man" The Kinks
Well, it starts with "'Cause he gets up in the morning", which definitely fits. Also, the guy seems sort of on autopilot, and sort of empty and day-to-day. Which is me sometimes. Except I really don't get up in the morning so much. And I'm surely not punctual. Also the Juno soundtrack wins.
First Day at School: "No More" Into The Woods
This song is fucking beautiful. I guess it could be about how you don't want to face the truth or whatever you have to learn, but you still have to, because it's essential. Like going to school? I don't know, but it's my favorite song in a really good show.
Falling in Love: "Comfortably Numb" Pink Floyd
Well...supposedly love releases endorphins, like drugs? But it's really the opposite of this song, because love is feeling and passion and uncertainty and even a certain discomfort. If you're comfortably numb to love, you're probably not doing it right. Maybe it means you are comfortable and so happy and it's so unexpected that you are numb to all of the shit surrounding you that used to get you down. Yeah. I like that.
Fight Song: "About a Girl" Nirvana
It feels like he likes the girl, but mainly likes the idea of her, and there are problems? I don't know. I love the song, but it's hard to parse. It sounds like a fight is brewing though.
Breaking Up: "Champagne Supernova" Oasis
"How many special people change? How many lives are living strange?" Things have changed between them, the two of them have changed, and it's unfortunate, but it sounds like he's pretty sure that they'll get back together eventually, as lovers or friends or something else. He doesn't seem broken up about it. Either that, or the champagne supernova is him trying to numb himself to the horror of his situation and forget everything ever.
Prom: "Redundant" Green Day
Either something happens at prom that makes him more in love than he thought possible or he screams all the songs so loudly that loses his voice.
Life is Good: "Cheatin'" Gin Blossoms
Not a very happy story, no, but at the same time he's alone in a strange city and finds the woman he loves, or at least an uncannily similar girl, so I guess he gets what he needs for one night.
Mental Breakdown:"Boxing" Ben Folds Five
"Well sometimes I punch myself hard as I can, yelling 'Nobody cares!', hoping someone will tell me how wrong I am" This actually happened today, when I was walking along, quietly hating myself, and Becky Clapp called to me and told me I should win the President's Award the department gives out at the end of the year...and I don't know what to make of that, at all, but it was just really unexpected and the nicest thing someone's said to me since...I don't know. For months. But yeah, totally about mental breakdown.
Driving: "Lover's Rock" The Clash
Ummm...I'm not sure. Road head? JK JK. I'm not sure. I've never liked this number all that much. Am I the only one who thinks that, apart from "Train in Vain (Stand By Me)" the last third of London Calling is sort of unspectacular?
Flashback: "The Wait" The Pretenders
Well, it could be a flashback to the early 80's, in which The Pretenders were one of the most wonderful bands on the market (though one of many--it was a good time as I understand it). Or it could just be flashing back to what was and having to wait either for that person to come back or make up their mind, or for something that amazing to happen again. But the wait, child, magic child, pool hall child--it hurts
Getting Back Together: "Hello, Little Girl" Into The Woods
RAPE IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO GET BACK TOGETHER I...I just want to say that. If you think you should be strong and confident and forward to win her over, that's probably true. And bringing a fresh bouquet can't hurt. But don't be as forward as this wolf is. I'm trying to figure out another way to translate the song, but it's not coming.
Wedding: "Both Sides Now" Joni Mitchell
Seems a bit too ambiguous to be a good wedding song, though I guess there must be uncertainty within you when you're making such a big step. It's an extremely honest and universal song, and I think you can't not feel that, so I guess you just need to face it and move past the uncertainty and do it. Although I remember Emma Thompson breaking down to this (though the not as good, non-acoustic version) in Love, Actually, one of the best scenes, so I guess the song can help you look at marriage from both sides now.
Birth of Child: "Virtual Insanity" Jamiroquai
I'm surprised someone so worried about the state of the world would want to bring a child into it, frankly. Then again, "Now every mother can choose the color of her child", so maybe they think "Well, if they can be green, why not?" I mean, there's no logical reason to have kids, with overpopulation and consumption causing so many problems, but I guess one can overlook logic and do it anyway. So I guess he can be forgiven.
Final Battle: "Carey" Joni Mitchell
I can't think of anything battle-y in this song at all. Joni is leaving, though, and maybe Carey is gonna just flip after they have all that wine and yell at her for leaving and make a scene and then they'll be like "Grrrr" and then they will bring it.
Death Scene: "Rebel Without A Pause" Public Enemy
I've got nothing. PE is political rap. Not so much with death.
Funeral Song: "Breed" Nirvana
Either it's Kurt's funeral or the breeding is to replace he who has died or maybe they plant a house and build a tree to commemorate them?
End Credits: "The Big Picture" Bright Eyes
Well...it opens with car sounds and dialog and then the song starts, so I guess that that could be the final scene of the movie and then the credits start. Also, "The picture is far too big to look at, your eyes won't open wide enough"--your life, or the movie you just saw, is too huge, to strange, too wonderful, to terrible to make sense of, at least for now. That happens with me with a lot of movies--No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, Munich, where they ended and I just sat through the credits trying to make sense of it all, but it definitely needed another viewing. And at the end, you either struggle with what's happening or just accept it and just go with it. I don't know. This is a long description, but it is also a long song. Like credits!