Mar 02, 2007 02:05
Soooo I'd like to start off with a huge shout-out to Carolyn, who last week invited me over to her room after I wrote a ricockulously emo entry, where she kicked the metaphorical shit out of me for being pathetic, gave me pot and showed me the musical episode of Scrubs which was really really good and featured the actress behind Kate Monster. So it was good times and it woke me up as to how lame I was being. So thanks Carolyn! Sorry this is late. Yes.
Anywho, not a whole lot of goings-on recently. I did finally declare my German minor! And let me tell you! It's certainly not surprising that I didn't do it last year. I had to walk aaaaaaalll the way over to Tilghman, to get the form, and then aaaaaall the way back to Embury to have Frau Smith sign it, and finally aaaaaaaaaaaall the way back to Tilghman. It clearly took a lot of effort. Yes. But anyway, I an now Basil Utter! CLA 2008 Theatre Arts/ German! I guess...that's probably not worth exclamation points. No, not really.
I just realized was told by someone in my class that the two monologues in my acting class end with coffee. No joke. One is all "Irina...I didn't have any coffee this morning. Could you please make sure they make me some?" and the other comes back with "Because when it comes down to it...I could be happy if there were better shows on TV and I could find a decent cup of coffee." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN and what does it do with the fact that I didn't ever drink coffee until about a semester ago? I don't know. I do not know. Perhaps it means I should have given up coffee for Lent? Or commenting on completely random and meaningless coincidence in my Livejournal.
Oh! I got my passport the other day. This is very cool. Now I can go to Minsk on a whim. If I ever want to. Maybe. But yes. Chalk one up for passports? (Am I really writing this? For cereal?) Also! This week was Iphigenia and Other Daughters. And it was really good! The performances were really good (but of course), and it had this really good lighting and a creepy sound design and the set just worked so well and it was a wonderful thing. I really wish I was doing more in the theatre. Why am I not? I do not know. It's a misfortune and a pox upon me. To be sure.
Yes. Anyway I'm going to turn in. Tomorrow's the weekend! Sunday I'm going to the Holocaust museum! And next week is break (Really?) So time is going by, and I need to do more with it. This is true. But apart from this I'm pretty well! And so good night to ye
food and drink,