Nov 03, 2005 01:47
I went to the space today to find that I have...$120 points left on my card. I know right now you are seething with jealousy of my point-ness. It's okay; you probably have a neater room than I do, so I can be jealous of that.
Today went all right...not much to report. I randomly went to an alliance meeting because, walking through the UC, I was accosted by Jenn who told me to go to the Alliance meeting. So that was a good time. Then I went to a Plays-in-Process that I did not understand at all. It was good...but way to avant-modern for me. I'm not even going to pretend I understand it. But it was good. I am trying to start my research paper, but I decidedly picked a poor topic (Michael Moore). There is a lot written on him, but it's all so biased one way or the other. That and my general laziness will not bode well over the next few weeks, but I may pull it off yet! I have borrowed Stupid White Men, and I remain optimistic. Also, I'm actually gonna get out this weekend, dammit!
Also I was talking to Danielle earlier, and she might stay over for a few days during Janterm. That should prove good times all around.
Tomorrow, I'm going to figure out my schedule for next semester. I think I'm going to be taking Intro to Theater Design, Playwriting, German 100, and...I'm thinking Art History? (I asked Marissa if I should do that or Poli Sci, and she was like " can't write papers on time ever. Don't do Poli Sci." This is why Marissa is the best of all time ever. That and she wrote the sweetest LJ entry ever about me yesterday =D=D=D). So, I guess that's squared away. Or maybe Soc...decisions, decisions.
On The Cobert Report last night, he interviewed the amazing Ken Burns, and there was a segment documenting the interview in the style of The Civil War, and I just lost it, probably because I spent twelve hours lost in wonderment of The Civil War last summer, and it was such a good parody. As to my music? It's quite good, and I can't say I know Regina well at all, but Helena does it better.
ETA: Also, I have heard through the grapevine (or possibly Buist) that Christopher Durang, author of "DMV Tyrant" and that Peter Pan monologue Lydia did that one time (among other, much more well-known works) is coming to Drew at some point next semester. This is just awesome, because I've seen "DMV Tyrant" done both at Williams and YPI, and it certainly isn't important or even paticularly notable but damn is it funny.