We woke up later than planned. That would be at 8.00 rather than 7.30. Dan finished packing the suitcase and we went down for breakfast. Rose-Marie was the movie that morning and Dan stayed for it. It was really fun to see it again and he seemed to enjoy it.
We had lunch - I only ate a little rice and cheesecake. My stomach wasn't feeling too well. I'm not used to this kind of food anymore, I guess - although Claire also complained of having some issues as well. Visited with the Scotland lady and her sister, which was fun. Introduced the movie and hugged people goodbye and we were off after getting directions - Dan did it himself this time so we wouldn't get lost in the dark yet once more.
Stopped in Hershey on the way home because Katrina specifically requested a T-shirt from Hershey. I got an ice cream cone - mint chocolate chip. It made me feel better. My stomach was not a happy camper prior to the ice cream. It was raining and lighting on the way from there to Newark. By rain I do not mean a piddling little Portland, Oregon rain. I mean REAL rain. The kind that reduces visibility to almost nothing at all. Dan said he was really glad at that point for the large vehicle with good windshield wipers.
Rain let up by the time we got to Newark. Technically, Elizabeth, NJ. Our reservation was at Knight's Inn on Spring Street.
The best way to describe this place would be in two words: hooker haunt. It was a shady looking place in an apparently shady part of town. Dan went up to look at the room before he came back to get the stuff out of the car and said that I would find it quiiiiiiiiiiiiite interesting. He said there was a circular bed and a stock of condoms.
The room itself was clean.
I can't say the sheets really were. I found several hairs in them.
The bed was round as Dan described. The condoms turned out to actually be little packets of shampoo. I was amused. There was a roof on the bed, of sorts, with a mirror most dingy in which you could look at yourself in while you lay on the bed. (I might add we slept on top of the sheets, not between them.) The bed was upholstered in crushed velvet, burgundy, and encircled with Christmas lights. The headboard had a built-in... TAPE DECK. Dated. With speakers. And a few cigarette burns and more mirrors.
There was a jacuzzi. If it wasn't already, surprise, midnight by the time we got there, we had hoped to use that. No time. *sigh* The jacuzzi was a fresher aspect of an otherwise incomparably seedy room.
Oh man. I still can't believe that room.
Gas station in Cambridge Springs. $50 something to fill up.
Mild sample of some of the rain we were putting up with.
I think this is a sign that Jael needs chocolate.
Entrance to Chocolate World (it's not too late to eat like a piggy, chocolate world!)
It's not really free to go into Chocolate World. When you take the little chocolate factory tour ride thing they take your picture and try to sell it to you. If that doesn't get you, they have floor-to-ceiling chocolate and branded wearable items. I imagine that they make a pretty penny. Dan took a picture of our picture on the screen instead.
Definitely unusual bathroom door signs.
Happy bobbin with her ice cream. Yes, I'm wearing one of Dan's shirts. I was wearing his underwear too, but we won't go into that. Suffice it to say that what I had been wearing required a slip and the slip strap snapped.
Ceiling of Chocolate World. I think Dan took this one.
Pretty groovy dude.
An even groovier dude, carrying the bag with Katrina's shirt in.
Oh, dear, I feel so infringed upon because I can't wear my new bikini to Chocolate World.
Now we get to the interesting stuff - Knight's Inn!
The jacuzzi.
Dan just looks waaaaaaaay too happy to be sitting on that ghetto bed. The Christmas lights were still on and blinking away at this point.
The headboard.
I'll bet this used to be Shirley Partridge's red velvet suit back in the day.