From Twitter 11-08-2009

Nov 09, 2009 02:05

  • 03:12:56: two-ten am, bladder woke me up, now can't get back to sleep. wish spot would come back to bed. atleast he is fuzzy comfort
  • 04:25:25: 3.23am. still not sleeping and somebody banished my kitty from the room. :-(
  • 06:03:05: 5am, still haven't slept. down on couch relaxing as best I can with Ortega in my ears, but GooGoo is having a squirm fest now. CONSPIRACY!
  • 08:19:04: In true Robert Benchley style, I drifted off just as my alarm went off. I'm not kidding. I know because the same song was still playing...
  • 08:19:46: ...and then GooGoo gave my bladder a head butt of doom, so there went my chances of going back to sleep.
  • 11:17:16: listening to Prisoner of Zenda whilst relaxing or attempting to relax. Between Doug Jr voice and Ronnie voice I am made calm.
  • 13:03:27: Dear Self, "...the glutton shall come to poverty." Bear this in mind this afternoon. We do not want a repeat of last night. Thank you.
  • 22:19:05: sitting in bed being massaged by my husband. It feels lovely. I am so, so tired. I really hope I can sleep tonight. Lovely baby shower.

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baby definitely, dan, ronald colman, sleep, food, spot

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