Nov 06, 2009 07:34
Spot is seriously obsessed with this one pillow. I really wish I understood why. All I had to do was set it beside me here on the bed and he instantly curled up on it. He may have left otherwise. He's so soft and orange and fat looking right now.
Last night we watched a Voyager episode on YouTube that was pretty good (Retrospect) while we ate French fries and morningstar Chik Patties (I was craving. Hush). I was having a slight sensation of numbness in my back again, which has been happening for several nights in a row now. I'm not so sure that it was really numb, though, since I was highly sensible of being brushed with a paintbrush via Dan. :-p He gave me a shoulder/back rub and said there was some funny crinkles going on in one shoulder, so that was probably the cause. Side sleeping I will blame. I can't wait to sleep on my back again.
My idea for supper tonight: popcorn, apples, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, and other such similar easiness. Not super exciting, perhaps, but I don't want to be thoroughly exhausted trying to please, either.
I need to eat breakfast now. Not sure what I want. I'm kind of obsessed with my waffles. Maybe I'll have some of those and an egg or something.
star trek,
ouch ouchy ouch