Jun 07, 2008 08:08
It was misting quite heavily while I was eating my breakfast a few minutes ago. It is not now.
After yesterday, I certainly am glad it is Sabbath. God was so good to plan for us a day of rest and recuperation from the week's work. Added bonus... we get to spend time with Him.
This past week I've been thinking about how I never understood persecution before. Paul says to Timothy that "all who will live godly will suffer persecution". As a Sabbath-keeper, and understanding the prophecies that point to a coming Sunday law in this very nation, it's enough to strike fear into anyone's heart to think that to obey God will mean drastic measures - death, perhaps, or a life of hiding in the wilderness and dens and caves of the earth. It is coming soon, and it is scary.
Yet at the same time, I'm not afraid. Because to me obeying God is more important, and eternity with Him will be worth sticking up for the truth here.
I've been watching the political drama with more interest this year merely on the basis of wondering, who will be the one to pass the Sunday law? Will it be Obama, who claims to be a Christian? Or will it swing back to Republican in four years and happen then?
I'm glad I don't know for sure, but I do speculate. It will not take much. All that needs to happen is one more forged disaster a la 9/11 - They will say that God is punishing us for not keeping Sunday and the people, motivated by fear, will pass a law. It's not far off. And after it happens, Jesus is coming soon.