So I was feeling this guy's butt...

Mar 21, 2007 10:13

Yeah, I really was. In my chiropractic prac class, we have learnt how to palpate certain key areas in the body to check for symmetry. One such key area are the gluteal folds...that is under the bum. So I was with this guy, and I had checked everything but his gluteal folds...and when I did, his butt cheeks were COMPLETELY uneven. I'd never felt anything that extreme in my life.

So excited by my discovery, I let out a loud "OOOOOOOOOH". It was loud enough that my whole class could hear, and they all looked at me. This would be fine if I wasn't kneeling down with my hands on some guy's butt, my eyes wide open staring at his cheeks and my "OOOOOOOOOOH" exclamation.


No matter what I said, I just dug a deeper hole. Much embarassment.

P.S. It's also my birthday today D=
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