my brain is off

Oct 29, 2006 18:03

i used to read, think, and debate constantly about the state of the environment and civilization, etc. lately, though, i have hardly been doing this at all.

should i be bothered? isn't it my duty as a (purportedly) responsible and caring citizen of the world to do my damndest to improve my mind and my community? or, given my place in life of late, is it acceptable for me to just focus on getting my shit together so that i can (theoretically) use my education and talents to greater effect in the future?

maybe i should just forget the guilt because it's about all i can do to get and keep my shit together these days. i've always prided myself on being a fairly practical person, but i think it's more like i have practical opinions on important social/environmental/political matters. i'm not at all practical when it comes to taking care of myself. *sigh*

i had a great time at the alumni swim meet today. my strokes were not embarrassing and my times were actually fairly good. i got to see some people i haven't seen in a long while, which is of course always fun. in an interesting twist, i was the least-recent alum there because even though megan and amelia are older, they got their BAs in 05, while i got my AA in 04 and didn't stay.

i am also having fun just hanging out with the cushpeople. they are awesome! and adrian is being nice for once, which is appreciated.
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