Jul 28, 2007 17:07
I'm a little peeved with a few of the sailors on the good ship SS/HG. No, not you. I'm talking about the misogynist fucknuts who think that they and Hermione Granger are one in the same.
Comments on a certain board with which I take issue:
1. The Brood mare Remark:
I agree with your assessment, or have her accomplish something really extraordinary like becoming the first woman Minister of Magic or something in research instead of wasting all of her studying to become a Weasley brood mare.
Buttercup responds: Using the derogatory term "brood mare" to describe a woman who has made the perfectly acceptable choice to have children is ignorant. This may come as a revelation to you, but having children and having an extraordinary career are not mutually exclusive. Smart women do it all the time. Smart women also have careers without having children. Other smart women have children without having careers. Still other smart women manage to have both careers and children, though not at the same time. Speaking as a woman who stayed home with my children for many years, and who now has an extraordinary career (if I do say so myself), intelligence and education are never wasted when raising children.
ETA: "first woman minister of magic"? Is there any canon evidence to suggest that there hasn't already been a female minister of magic? How do we know that there haven't been several? More anti-woman assumptions.
2. The Nice Boring Men Remark:
Nice, boring, dependable men should be saved for nice, boring, dependable women...which Hermione Granger is not. :)
Buttercup responds: Is Ron nice, boring, and dependable? Really? In the books I read, he was right in the thick of taking down Voldemort. He was brave, self-sacrificing, and a master chess player. Now, we agree that Hermione is brilliant. Do you really think for a second that she is going to choose a man who is ugly, old enough to be her father, and treats her like shit? Now, if you want to ship fanon Snape with fanon Hermione, go for it. I do it, too. but don't for a single second claim that it makes more sense in canon. It doesn't. Not even a little bit. Seriously. Stop trashing DH because JKR doesn't share your Rickman!Snape obsession.
Oh, and as a side note --I think that there are many women on LJ who will back me up on this -- marriage to a mean, moody man sucks. A bad boy might be fun for a fling, but they make miserable husbands. Nice, dependable men -- especially the ones who shag like demons -- make the best husbands. I should know. I've been married to one for almost twenty years. Nice and dependable does not equal boring. Trust me.
3. The whole "Molly couldn't have possibly offed Bellatrix because she's only a housewife" diatribe.
Buttercup responds: See the brood mare remark. You seem to think that "housewife" comes with the default assumption that Molly doesn't have above average magical skills. I see things a little differently. All of the children have been shown in canon to be above average magically. I tend to think that the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Your interpretation may vary, but canon supports mine. So there.
/self-righteous rant.
I feel better now. :D