Intro Sticky Post~

Jan 01, 2020 00:01

Alright, I've lurked around LJ for a good year now (at least), and I'm obviously next to never going to post anything. So let's stick this here for people who click on my username.

I'm Lexie, living on the east coast of the good old US of A. Fangirl, fic-writer (the kind that never posts anything), and lurker.

If you look at this and think I'm not active, let me just say that I get on LJ at least once a day, if only to check my friends list. If you ever want to talk to me, odds are I'll reply in at least an hour, if I'm not asleep or out of town.

Part of being a huge lurker includes next-to-never updating my interests, so if you look at those and thing we don't have anything in common, just talk to me anyways. Chances are I'll also be obsessed with whatever it is you are.

Anyways, from now on I'm going to try to stop being so creepy and actually comment and people's things, so turning over a new leaf here.

Main Fandoms:

Prince of Tennis (+ Tenimyu)
Japanese small-theater RPS (ex: *pnish*)
+lots of other stuff I love/watched, but not as much of an obsession to mention it here

Other Things About Me:

Please don't let my noob-ish tendancies (esp w/ HTML and junk) scare you away. I'm a really nice person despite all this, and I'd love to talk to you~
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