(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 08:08

Well, this weekend wasn’t full of a whole lot. It’s probably better that way since I’ve apparently become someone else. I went to the doctor about my breathing issue. It’s perfectly normal for someone who has just quit smoking after 9 years. But after hearing Trevor describe my behavior to Graham on Friday night, I pretty much feel like a psycho. And then…I tried to tell Graham something Friday night and he misheard me and went on to say Trev had informed him that I was causing horrible fights that were my entire fault. I may be acting off my normal level headed-ness, but Trev is no angel, in this situation, either. God I hope this only lasts a max of 2 more weeks. If any of you see me smoking, smack me. B/c I can’t go through this crazy emotional state again.
I did a lot of reading this weekend. I really enjoyed that I actually relaxed.
We hope to start filling out the paper work for a loan this weekend. It’s time to start looking for a house. I drove around for an hour yesterday and was pretty disappointed with the cost or size of most the Madison houses. I have a strong feeling that we will have to move to Limestone County if we want to save any money.
3 special occasions are coming up: V-day, Trev’s b-day, and our anniversary. I think the more you try to save money, the more you realize you have to spend it. J

I’m really bummed that I’m going to miss the Tripiq viewing. Someone should take some video of it. V, did you want me to print out some of your business cards (like 10)? If so, what phone# do you want on them?

Back to work.

Some of you might find this amusing.


What year was it?

What were your three favorite bands?
Nirvana, NIN, Tori Amos

What was your favorite outfit?
I use to borrow this kick-ass jumper like dress from Crystal all the time. It was gray with a zipper in the front. Pair it with my cool teal see-thru metallic shirt underneath it and add in some black and white diamond-patterned tights and some knee high boots and you had an ass-kicking girl :). But I usually got sent home for wearing it b/c it was way too short.

What was up with your hair?
natural color and about shoulder length. I was growing it out from 7th grade. At that time it was only about 2 inches long all over. (I'll never do that again).

Who was/were your best friend(s)?
Well, when I first started BJS I was new to the city. I knew no one. I had to attend band camp a week prior highschool begining, so that's where my friends began. Amanda B. and Whitney L. were the two girls I spent a lot of time with. I hear Whitney is a dancer now-a-days.

What did you do after school?
I had to ride the bus home. It was torture. This asshole use to bother me the whole trip home. And from this experience, I will never make my daughter ride a bus if I can at all help it. Once I was home, I had to stay home and do homework and be all dorky smart.

Where did you work?
I babysat these 3 kids a few doors down every once in awhile. But for the most part, I didn't work.

Did you take the bus?
see previous question

Who did you have a crush on?
haha...okay, you have to remember I didn't know anyone at BJ. So with that, I didn't know anyone's past. I had the biggest crush on Dale. I was sooooo naive. I dated him for over a year before believing all the rumors and dumping his sorry ass. Until Trevor I was developing this trend. Every guy I dated and broke up with, dropped out of high school.

Did you fight with your parents?
yes. Mostly about dating. It's that whole thing, my parents were right...etc.

Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
Well, prior high school it was Kurt Cobain. But then he killed himself so that was kinda a yucky thing to crush on. I think this movie came out after 95, but I had a crush on Ryan Phillip after seeing Cruel Intensions. But actually I was a sucker for any guy in eyeliner.

Did you smoke cigarettes?
I did occasionally. I didn't start the habit until I had my license.

Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
umm...no. Contrary to what all my friends say, I enjoyed BJ. I came from Whitesburg Middle where everyone was a stuck up prep with a horrible attitude. I thought everyone was nice at BJ. But I've been told I was one of the kids that could dabble into all the cliques and be treated nicely. So why would I have been scared to go to my locker?

Did you have a 'clique'?
Banger? I thought we called ourselves the freaks. I hung out with all the people wearing black. Actually, only the guys wore black.

Did you have a "Max" like Zach Kelly and Slater?
Maybe Leslee's or Matt's mom.

Admit it, were you popular?
I didn't think so, but I've been told differently.

Who did you want to be just like?
I wanted to be gorgeous like Amber, but I wouldn't say I wanted to be her. God her boyfriend was a prick. And I wanted to write poetry like Leslee, but we see where that got her (two kids and living with her parents at age 25). So I don’t think there’s any one person I wanted to be like.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
an architect.

Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
I thought I be a licensed architect. And if I have to speak from my high school freshman mind, I'd bet I didn't want any kids. All I cared about was having a career to support myself. My mom did really well drilling that into my head.
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