people evolve

Dec 02, 2004 08:31

some friends' behavior has really shocked me lately and hurt my husband. but there's nothing we can do. if people choose to be dicks, then it's their choice. it just really sucks that what you thought about someone(s), was apparently wrong. blindsighted.

I swear Vega is losing a tooth a day. With allt his activity going on in her mouth she's got the worst breath in the world. I don't remember this happening with my old dog. I pray that her breath returns to normal puppy breath after her teeth stop falling out. I'm serious, her breath is sooooo bad I went out and bought her 7 bones that nearly cost $2 each that guarentee her breath will improve. I'll do anything. So if any of you have run across this issue and have known solutons, please fill me in.

The weekend is approaching and the only plans we have are for Saturday. Is anything happening Friday or Sunday? When E gets back into town we should all hit up Cheeburger Cheeburger. I've had a hankering. Wholly shit, I just realized while he's home he won't have a car. darn. I guess we'll be driving him everywhere. :)

Big TV is awesome!

I think I finished X-mas shopping for Trev before the month of December began. I'm good. Now to finish buying for my rediculous sized family. All you kids from non-divorced families shouldn't bitch once about having to buy presents. I have 4 families; include Trev's and we have 5 families to buy for. Even if you only include parents, siblings, and grandparents, that's 13 people! And then there's those few cousins you gotta buy for too. ughhhh...We were trying to cut costs this year (b/c we want to buy a house at the beginning of the year) by only buying for the family. But I don't think that's going to save us a whole lot of money. Well, at least it'll be less to worry about.

I have to give myself a self-evaluation at work. So how do you go about saying you're really good, but not sound conceited, yet still remaining above average? This year's shouldn't be too hard considering I've only been with the company for 3.5 months. So obviously I can't know exactally how the company works just yet. I guess I just need to continue stressing just how much happier I am to be with this company. My job is a lot of fun.
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