Aug 10, 2005 01:10
* do you enjoy swimming?: Oh yea
* do you go to a camp ?: No definitely not
* if so which one the one?:-
* do you like the beach?: It is wonderful
* do you easily tan?: Um not really, but I look better with one
* have you ever gotten really bad sunburn?: Oh yea and Sun poisoning
* where is your favorite vacation spot? Tennesse and Myrtle Beach
* have you ever surfed?: Yeah right me ha
* do you like water slides? When there aren't any lines, and I can take like an elevator to the top
* do you rake leaves for money?: Maybe when I was a wee one
* have you ever jumped in a pile of leaves? Are you serious, oh yea
* whats your favorite fall color?: You can't just have one, its all that pretty colors that blend
* what were you for halloween this year?: I think a fat tiki taki tourists
* do you like hot chocolate?: Its so yummy
* are a pants or capris type of girl? I was pants but some capris are beautiful
* do you prefer rain or sun? I like sun, but rain is so relaxing and nice to walk in
* what does your family traditionally eat on thanksgiving? Well I would have to say turkey and pie yum
* is it warm in your town in fall?: Sometimes, who knows
* ever made a snowman?: Not really pretty ones
* whats the largest snow fall youve ever witnessed?: I don't know I get so excited when it does
* ever made a snowangel?: Yea but I get stuck in them
* what did you get for christmas this year?: I am a spoiled brat so
* ever slipped on ice?: I am not going to lie, yes
* ever been skiing?: no not really
* snowboarding ? hahaha..... no
* snow tubing? When I can stay on it lmao
* do you enjoy iceskating ? Well the one time with Christina, Amanda and Amber is classic
* do you prefer warmth or cold?: I like summer but I like cold better, I like curling with my blankies
* do you typically get sick in the winter?: I do what I can
* have you ever attempted to build a snow fort? Yea with Christina and we would cover my dog and say
she was keeping warm
* do you still play in the snow ? I love it
* what are you planning on doing for new years?: I don't know, I usually don't
* whats your favorite kind of flower: Oh oh oh I have one finally, Daisies but like 5 different
colors in a pile
* what do you usually do on spring break: Umm whatever Me and Christina find to do, well we used too
* do you participate in any spring sports: Umm driving with my windows open after winter, yay
* whats you favorite spring color?: Umm like baby birds and the flowers, yes you read right, pretty colors
* have you ever caught a butterly?: Yeah but probably not a gorgeous one
* in your opinion whats the most beautiful bird: The cardinal is absolutely beautiful
* whats the funniest joke youve ever played on april fools day?: I forget it's that day but I did
do something hilarious in french its fish day and I stuck a fish on my teacher and
then she tried to get my band teacher to get it on Me, but things got turned around
and I put it on Christina, but she thought it was on me, Who's laughing now ha
* whats your sign that spring has arrived?: When Me Traci and Christina think we can ride our bikes outside in like 40 or 50 degree weather in shorts and a take top and yell SPRING IS HERE
* do you enjoy this season?: Not as much as Autumn