Can I say that AI is better in person?

May 22, 2007 21:37

So I went down there for AI since I missed out on DWTS tixs again(damn them for emailing me while I was sleeping. I swear there was something against me from going! HAHA). So I didn't get in via but I had a email from It wasn't a guaranteed ticket and first come first serve like I said last night.

I get there at 1pm when call time was 2:30pm and I was 147th in line so not bad. They section they had reserved for OCATV was at the top and so when I got the ticket I was kinda freaking out inside because I'm scared of heights and major reason I can't do nosebleed seats for concerts! LOL But in the end it wasn't that bad of a view. Just if you don't watch your balance there may be a chance you can topple over the edge! LOL

But I'm not a Blake fan and will admit actually hearing him there he wasn't that bad but he's more of an entertainer so I'll give him that. Also Jordin sounded really GREAT tonight hands down of course she blows Blake away and I've never even been that crazy about her either. But when I come home and watch on tv what I heard there def doesn't translate that great on TV so I guess I can see how sometimes people go WTF? The judges thought that was great!? Because you have to be there to get the full effect.

Lastly I didn't expect Daughtry to be there tonight, but he sound great considering I never was a fan of him. So many people keep telling me how great his album is maybe I should check it out some day? Yes or No my 'lil LJ friends? :D
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