Remember along time ago when I wrote about my cat Mini destroying my tree plant thing? Here is a picture of her in all her evilness...
Look, her eyes are even glowing. Lol.
Anyways, today we needed to get more pet food, but Dan wanted to bring Mini with to the pet store. So I made her a harness/collar/leash thing.
Then we walked into the food aisle. I think she was a little overwhelmed by all the different kind of foods. All this time she thought there was only one!
(I also made the hat Dan's wearing :-))
After she made her selection, we followed her around for awhile, looked at the toys, visited a little girl, and the girl at the counter was so amazed to see a cat in the store.
She enjoyed her trip I think. I also think I should start putting more pics in here cus they're more fun to look at.
I'll post a pic of my tongue ring later, although I feel sorta stupid sticking my tongue out like that lol. But I wanna wait until I have a normal piece of jewelry in there instead of this super long thing. So yeah. That's about it.