The Snow Plow Story

Jan 20, 2010 01:18

Hey, it's my birthday! *party horns* Thanks to everyone who's already wished me a happy day and advance thanks to those who will as the day goes on (this is not an attempt to "guilt" anyone into saying the words; I'm just saying).

On her Facebook Wall a few minutes ago, my mom posted an abbreviated version of a family lore story about my actual birth day. It's one of my favorite stories, so I wanted to share it with all of you. Obviously, my parents tell it much better than I do, since they were there and all; but I'll do my best. (And hope that Mom and Dad forgive the errors.)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 1979

A blizzard rages (or had raged; the point is, there was a LOT of snow outside). Safe and warm in their house, Mom and Dad are settled in for the evening when Mom starts to get those familiar pangs (after all, she'd already been through this with my sister seven years prior).

"David," says she, "I think it's time."

Brave, stout man that he is, Dad bundles up and heads out into the cold while Mom prepares to leave to deliver her second child. Shovel in hand, Dad surveys the yard: the car, driveway, street are buried in feet of snow. He puts his head down and sets to work; he must clear a path.

After many long minutes of back-breaking shovelling, the car is uncovered, the driveway clear... enough. Dad stands at the entrance to the street and wonders how he'll ever drive through this mess.

"If only a snow plow would come by," he thinks.

No sooner has the thought passed than flashing lights appear at the end of the block! Dad waves them down and explains to the driver:

"My wife is in labor; we have to get to the hospital!"

The knight in shining plow gallantly drives up into the driveway, clearing it fully, then sweeps away the snow on the street, opening the way to the intersection with the major road, already clear and waiting. Dad waves to the driver, shouting his thanks, before turning to get into the car...

Only to find it again buried by the spillover from the plow's move up the driveway! With a heavy sigh, Dad picks up his shovel and unearths (unsnows?) the car a second time. Transport finally sorted, he and Mom rush to the hospital.... find that it was FALSE LABOR. (I was so mean! ;-D )

After a week of Braxton Hicks, I finally made my début into this goodly frame the earth on 20 January, round about 5:30 in the evening, Eastern Time. Right on time, by the doctor's prediction of my due date. I guess I just decided to mess with Mom and Dad for a few days first. ;))

Sorry about that, Mom and Dad! But thanks for going through it all; I hope I've been worth it. ;-)

me, birthday, family

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