Writing in my sleep... again.

Oct 05, 2009 01:22

Saturday night into Sunday morning, I watched the DVDs that are support material and required viewing for my current online course. Because I've been self-studying Mark and Roger's materials (articles, programs, Audio Insights, etc.) for two and a half years, none of the information presented was really entirely new, although a couple of points were addressed a bit differently or in more depth. Still, watching the DVDs was obviously beneficial to me.

See, despite my self-study and understanding of the material, I've still never gotten around to really trying to write my own inductions. I won't go into the several reasons for this. But with the DVD lectures and demonstrations freshly watched, it seems my unconscious mind started to integrate and utilize the last few bits of information I was lacking/neglecting.

For as I was attempting to rouse myself enough to get out of bed and head to Fest on Sunday, drifting in and out of that hypnagogic state that bridges sleep and the waking world, my unconscious mind was busily presenting me with fragmented fantasies. Not imaginings of the Fest day to come. Not worries about ... anything. No, I was seeing words. Every time I set the alarm back a few more minutes and rolled over to doze, words appeared in my mind's eye, naturally and effortlessly composing, rearranging, and linking themselves into hypnotic language patterns, iotas of inductions.

Although I will admit to a tiny bit of regret that I didn't take even a moment to jot some of those phrases down while they were still fresh (I couldn't; I left later than I should have as it was), I'm still well pleased that I had that experience. It says a lot to me about my information integration that my unconscious, creative mind was spontaneously working on these compositions during my hypnogogic dozing.

I will have to do some physical, waking world writing tomorrow. But first, a few hours of sleep, perchance to dream. Of words, words, words.

(Oh, and I say "again" in the title of this entry because of a similar experience I had whilst writing my one and only "complete" fanfic back in the late 1990s. One morning as I began to wake, I started seeing a sequel to my story in a dream. What I found strange [and yet right] at the time was that I didn't see the characters acting out the scene. No, I saw a sheet of paper on which the scene was printed. All I had to do when I got out of bed was type it out.)

unk, hypnosis

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