An Open Letter to the "National Organization for Marriage"

Apr 08, 2009 14:33

Having just seen your television ad online, I have to ask:

In what universe does granting decent, law-abiding citizens equal rights infringe on others' rights? Not in the one I live in.

Where do you get off using the phrase "rainbow coalition"? If you don't want us using your precious "marriage" word, don't be stealing OUR words, either. ...Oh, you think I'm making too much of a fuss over a couple of words? Funny, I've been thinking the same thing for months.

Has it ever occurred to you that if you have to LIE to try to sell your point of view, maybe - just maybe - you hold the WRONG point of view? You could at least come up with some new lies - these tired old ones you're using have been disproven again and again and again.

And, above all, what are you so afraid of? That people might have a chance to be happily married? That MORE people will get married, thus strengthening marriage? That families that already exist will have the same legal protections you already enjoy? If we need anything in this world, it's MORE love and commitment.

I am a straight woman who was raised by a pair of Presbyterian pastors. The Christianity I was taught preached love and acceptance, not hatred and bigotry. My parents and I are vehement supporters of marriage equality.

I am part of the Nation for Marriage, all right - the Nation that will grant MARRIAGE FOR ALL!

A Straight for Equality

(I thought about e-mailing them directly at - indeed, I was halfway through this message in my e-mail composition window - but I don't really want to open that can of worms. And why not say this publicly?)

wtf, video, rant, equality, marriage

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