Training Log

Mar 08, 2009 14:37

Happy Daylight Savings Time Day! As is our traditional custom, we will now gather outside the Shrub's house and pelt his windows with travel alarm clocks as retribution for setting us off from the rest of the world for three weeks. :-P Seriously, I'm not a fan of DST by any means, but what was wrong with the old schedule?

Anyway. Despite the "lost hour" last night, I still woke up an hour before my alarm was set to go off. I truly am grateful that my unconscious mind is onboard with the training efforts, but an hour? Really? (I gripe, but eventually I wouldn't mind being able to get up at the time I wake up naturally, instead of falling back to sleep...)

It was a day of firsts. The first time loveslashangst and I jogged the entire 60 seconds for every jog repetition. The first time we were recovered enough by the end of the last walking repetition to sip some water (before we'd still be panting too hard). The first time I got a stitch in my side during one of our training sessions. And the first time in my life that I breathed, ran, and stretched (during the walk phase) my way through a stitch instead of giving up and stumbling to an anguished walk (or stop). And by the time it was time to run again, I was good to go.

So, progress. :-)

fitness, 5k training, loveslashangst

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