An Obama Birthday

Jan 20, 2009 23:59

I have to say a public (well, as "public" as a blog with a readership of... 3? gets, anyway) "thank you!" to everyone who sent me happy wishes for my 30th birthday on LJ, Facebook, via email, txt, and post...! This was a birthday of surprise gifts, unexpected cards, and - of course - a new President!

loveslashangst handed me a card still in its plastic wrapping and told me she got the Planning Ahead Award. When I checked the back, I noted that the price was in British pounds. "You bought it in the UK," I observed. She asked, "Do you know when?" with a tone of voice that told me the answer. "Our November 2007 trip??" She nodded. :-) And I have to say, it's one of my favorite cards of the ones I received! The front of the card is a B&W photo of Brigitte Bardot with the quote, "When you're thirty you're old enough to know better, but still young enough to go ahead and do it." (starrynights24's literally "flashy" card - press a button, and little lights flash within the "30" on the front - is also one of my favorites.)

Since it was my birthday, I slept in, waded through online birthday greetings, and then it was off to Disneyland. Besides that, the Inauguration was at 9am Pacific, and I've never been one for watching stuff like that. So I didn't see any of the proceedings, but I gather the whole historic event was grand - except for that oath fumble the Far Right is jumping all over. Yeah, they're being annoying about it, but do you know why? Because they have nothing real to complain about! So they're picking on something that doesn't really matter. Firstly, it wasn't Obama's fault that Roberts messed up the oath and threw him off. Secondly, the oath is just a small piece of pomp and circumstance - are you any less married if you trip up during your wedding vows? No. And thirdly, Obama has been my President from the moment the polls closed on 4 November 2008.

Now, as promised, I'm posting photos of loveslashangst and myself in our shirts. :-)

We rubbed the lamp, and our wish came true! :-D
My shirt: "My birthday present [photo] 01.20.09"
LSA's shirt: "My President [photo] 01.20.09"

LSA showing off the back of our shirts, reading simply, "Yay!"

It was genuinely encouraging to see so many of our fellow Disneyland Guests in various Obama shirts. We had several people come up to us with "Nice shirts!" -- I overheard one girl, as her group passed us, read my shirt and say, "'My birthday present'... That's cute!" -- And to anyone who complimented the shirts and engaged us in conversation, I said, "It's a great day to have a birthday!", to general agreement.

I also made a point of complimenting others on their shirts and thoroughly enjoyed the conversations that resulted.

I watched other Guests' eyes in queues and crowds when I saw them looking in the direction of my shirt. If I caught their gaze, I grinned - some smiled back, others didn't. But what really amused me was how many people obviously read the shirt and then let their eyes kind of glance off of it - maybe they were just suffering the results of a long Disney day, but given how many people returned my grins, I'm more likely to think that the people whose gazes wandered off weren't as enthused about my birthday present as I was. Oh well!

Overall, I'm just glad the shirts got printed, that they arrived in time, and I'm impressed with the quality.

It's been a great birthday, in many ways. And I send my wholehearted gratitude to everyone who helped make it possible! With extra-special thanks to LSA, of course!

starrynights24, disney, obama, birthday, loveslashangst

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