Thumb Paper

Apr 21, 2005 19:23

Saw Lifehouse @ the Stone Pony Tuesday night. Dude. They sound like their CD's. Which is weird, cuz usually there's some difference. Needless to say, I was not dissapointed by the way "You & Me" was performed. (p.s. Stone Pony's a total dive & I love it anyway ... only in Jersey would a place like that be considered cool).

Julia went w/ us to the SP. Vinnie was there. It was omega fun. We hit the Stafford on the way home (Sans Vinnie, who had a test the next morning). We were tired beyond tired. We understood less of what that waitress (Is is "Rosa"? The only one who's there after 11, doesn't speak English? Anyone know?) was saying than usual. It took Jules 3 times of asking to realize they were out of french fries. Then the 2 halves of a whole idiot (i.e., Jules & Josh ... who I really need to realize are a deadly combination when turned loose on society together) decide to make paper footballs ... before realizing that neither one of them actually knows how to make a football.

Julia also changed the word "toothpick" to the word "thumb-paper". My guess is she was thinking "thumb tack" & "paper clip" @ the same time, but the jury's still out on that one.  @ that point it was already 4/20. So we blamed it all on that. When we were leaving, these 3 people that were waiting to pay asked us if we had any "tweek" ... we didn't. Dunno why they wanted it, we saw them drive off and they were already lighting blunts, so wtf? Guess you can never have enough. In honor of the date we sat on the hood of the Grand Prix & smoked some menthols, so we could say we smoked something

Rae's friend Tom (Who I met for a total of 3 seconds @ BFS, & I swear he was drunk) has been bugging for my phone number. Apparently I'm hot (His words, not mine) ... & my mother said I'd never meet a guy wearing the "I'm normal ... Please date me" shirt. Not only did I meet one, I met one that's been driving his friend insane for a week to get my number cuz of my "hotness". I'm not sure how I feel about this. Like he probly just wants to nail me (Wouldn't be suprised, damn all men to hell). & I'm more trouble than a basket of kittens when it comes to all this "getting to know people" shit. I'm afraid to physically talk to him, cuz I hate my voice (In my opinion, think Fran Drescher after years of chanin smoking). I'm afraid to hang out w/ him, cuz I have no idea what to talk about or where to go. & then there's the paranoia (That's right, all the other psychosis was just leading up to it). Guys don't date me. Guys don't fall in love w/ me. Guys meet me, think I'm cute & a lot of fun & basically "the perfect girl" (I can't even count how many times I've been told that before) ... & then they outta nowhere ask another girl out cuz "we just weren't going to work out anyway". Rae knows most of this & then tells me that she's heard he's amazing in bed. I can't help but think "Yeah, but what the hell am I gonna do w/ him?". Naked guys are funny looking. Yeah, I'm gonna just take the shallow route & ignore my intimacy issues & just blame it on the comic relief that a ding dong provides.

... I don't know why I'm getting so weirded out by this, if he gets my number, he won't call & that'll be the end of that.

My mom bought me the Rob Thomas CD(@first I thought it was an excuse so she could "borrow" it, but turns out she got herself one, too). Its ok. Its not like the shit or anything, but @ least "Lonely No More" isn't the best song (I was gonna be beyond dissapointed if that happened, cuz I could really give or take that song). I won't hate seeing him @ the Electric Factory next week (Yes, I'm going to another concert, The Boy went on a ticket binge or something. Its like a show every week for 6 weeks. Vanessa Cartlon was "eh", btw, I didn't really want to go to that one anyway)

The Killers & Modest Mouse are going to be on tour this summer (Not together, but I guess I can deal w/ that). I nearly had an orgasm when I heard this. I will be present @ least one show for each of them. That is not an option. I must see them both live. It just can't be the same night as M5 (Who I'm going to see, yet again!~happy dance~), other than that, I must go.

Speaking of "Must go", I still gotta finish that blanket. The shower's Saturday! Peace out, cub scout.

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