"What's The World Coming To?"

Apr 08, 2005 16:22

If Candace & I were still involved on the journalism circuit, this would definitely be the cover story for the next issue of "What's The World Coming To?", cuz dammit, I wanna know.

So I'm listening to 94.3 this morning, (The new Lifehouse song, "You&Me", which I love and can't wait to see them perform next week, was on, btw)& they go to one of those news break dealie-bobs, & since the dj was doing it, I knew it'd be short, so I might as well listen to see what the next song was. Well, JMJ, I was better off NOT knowing what was going on, cuz now I'm just bloody right pissed off over what I heard:

Cookie Monster(from Sesame Street)is being put on a DIET

They are doing away with the beloved 'C' Is For Cookie song.

The title of his "replacement song?!?!?!?! Cookies Are A SOMETIMES Food

WHAT THE F*** IS THAT DUTCH NOISE ABOUT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Apparently, Cookie Monster is now soley responsible for all obese children being the way they are. Ok, maybe Ronald McDonald, too, but he gets sued enough every year

Not the parents that won't take the g.d. candy bars & potato chips away to avoid tears & tantrums, not the parents that don't limit snacks in between meals, not the parents that don't bother making sure their children are eating a well-balanced diet, not the parents that aren't teaching their kids that fruits & vegetables are snacks too.

Hell no! Its all Cookie Monster. Him & his cookie eating ways. He's a bad example. He's sent here by the devil. He posesses the children of the world to do nothing but eat cookies all day.

Funny how the show's been on for over 30 years & child obesity has only become a serious concern in the past decade. You'd think the devil could work faster than that, right?

Now, seriously, what the hell is up w/ this? I watched Sesame Street forever. I loved the Cookie Monster ... & I turned out to be a f***ing anorexic! I am all for kids having healthy eating habits, really I am. But taking these kinda measures before doing something so simple as telling parents to freakin do some g.d. parenting first is just a tad extreme, is it not? I mean, DAMN! its not so difficult to hand a kid a carrot or some grapes instead of Doritos ... is it?

& to BAN the 'C' Is For Cookie song? Well, hell, what about Oscar The Grouch's I Love Trash?!?!?! How come nobody's gotten all offended over that & gotten rid of it cuz it "promotes" harboring affections towards garbage ... garbage that is full of germs & disease? How come nobody's trying to change his song to something about excessive handwashing (Cuz that seems to be the trend nowadays).

& speaking of Oscar The Grouch, what about his attitude? Nobody's fought for him to start going to therapy to uncover the roots of all his anger. Why the hell not? I mean, if Cookie Monster needs the gym, then why doesn't Oscar's deep-seeded anger have to be scrutinized for $150 a week?

& then there's Animal's extreme ADHD. How come no one's pushing to get him put on Ritalin or something to calm him down & make him a more accetable member of society? How come he's still allowed to run wild detroying things & playing loud music & wear a spiked dog collar?

& then we have Bert & Ernie, who are so deep in the closet that they're finding Christmas presents. If its acceptence they are trying to teach, then why aren't they just admitting it already, to show kids that its ok to come out? Never gonna happen, someone will sue claiming it turned their own child gay. But if that's the case, then why haven't 2 nice church-going Muppet girls come along to lead them out of their sinful existence?

& let's not forget Big Bird & his issues. He still has an imaginary friend, now that's just not right. Why isn't he forced to find a best friend that is real & send the Snuffulluffagus packing?

Its a sin & a shame that this sorta thing if happening. I'm pissed off royally about it. I don't get why this goes on, why everything, down to simple children's programming has to be ruined but parents that are too involved to actually be involved. The people that pushed for this are the same kind of adults that create the Banned Books list, & get commercials cancelled, & flip out about Janet Jackson's wardrobe.

Reading Harry Potter doesn't make you worship the devil. The Pillsbury Dough Boy is not offensive. & nobody would've seen a g.d. part of Janet Jackson's body had it not been replayed a million times zoomed in & in slow motion on every freakin news station in the country.

Sometimes, I really think the adults of this world need to just grow the hell up, because my gawd what's the world coming to?!??!?!?!

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