Tis The F***ing Season

Dec 21, 2004 12:39

 I worked the shift from Hell on Sunday. To clarify, a shift from hell includes endless lines, nasty customers, idiotic co-workers, a pregnant manager, a persistant hacking cough, and a kid peeing on the floor in the midst of all of the above. Everyone was so freaking pissy, cuz orders couldn't be gauraunteed for Christmas, cuz their last minute Christmas shopping had to be done, cuz they still had no clue what to get "What's His Name" for Christmas, cuz they still had Christmas lights to hang, and Christmas cookies to bake, and Christmas visitors to prep their houses for.

Call me crazy, but I think the main problem here is Christmas. Just a guess.

My shopping is not done. And when I say "not done", I really mean "not started". We're sposed to exchange w/ Mo and Brian tonight, we still haven't gotten Mo's gift. I don't even know what the hell I'm getting for my family, other than Evan (Cuz he's easy to cover). My friends? Jesus Howard, y'all are gonna be lucky if I can produce by NYE this year.

Now I know this whole "waiting til the last minute" thing is bad. I really am aware of this. However, I've been hacking up a lung for 2 weeks now, my last final is tonight, and I've been getting 30 hours a week at work. I just haven't freaking had the time. Normally, I'm better than this. Last year, I had everything bought and wrapped and w/ a week to spare no less. So why the hell is this year so bad?

I'm really not sure. All I know is I wish I had another week. Thursday is my first day in which I will have absolutely nothing to do in g.o.k. how long. And I must now spend it shopping. W/ all the other idiots who waited til the last minute. Hell, if I don't get it done then, then no one's getting nothing from me. I'm working 'til 6 on Friday, most likely later, and after that I'll be damned if I go out shopping w/ all the other lunatics that late on Christmas Eve. And then of course Saturday is the happy day itself.

Between my own lack of preparation, and everyone else's crappy last-minute attitude I'm just beyond all expressions of "pissage" here. The holiday season can bite my shiny metal ass.

Merry F***ing Christmas
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