Something clicked in the last couple of days, and now it just won't stop.
One of the things I appreciate about my new position is that it has me working my hours in the land of the living. I start work at 9:00am, I get to leave at 5:30, and I actually get paid 15 minute breaks for the first time in ever. It bums me out a little bit that I don't get my foodtimes paid and that if I take a break that's NOT within my 15-minute slot I know I've got a clock counting my time, but so far I haven't seem to run into trouble with that yet despite drinking upwards of a liter of water each of the past several days as I sit at my desk.
So now I have all this time after, say, 6:30pm, that I can do basically anything with. So what do I do? Well, of course I'm bowling. I have the Tuesday night league I've been a part of for the last two seasons and now I'm also joining my mom's team on Wednesday nights probably a bit more than half-time. I have a bowling story to tell, actually, but that will come later.
I got a phone call from a guy at church this summer asking if I wanted to take part in a play. I said sure, but I also noted with him that I could possibly be moving far distances this summer, and I could not commit to taking part. Well, he called me on Monday. I haven't left town (nor do I think I will be for the foreseeable future), and the guy who had charge of the role he was interested in having me take was starting to get all nervous-and-flaky. So what did I do? I took it, of course.
So now I'm working five days a week, helping out with Seattle Pacific University Volleyball and Soccer whenever I can, playing in a fall baseball league that (thankfully for scheduling purposes) only plays on weekends, bowling no fewer than six games a week, and rehearsing a play. This is going to be interesting.
Is it particularly smart for me to get involved with acting? Well, look at that sentence above. I'm probably pretty dumb to want to do it, but I'm starting to think that this is just the mode of my life. Go go go go go go go and I'll rest when I'm dead or something. Sure it can be stressful, especially when I want to fit something else in, but if I continue to work days instead of nights, it should be a little bit easier to fit things in.
Emily sent me an online questionnaire a little bit ago. (
found here) It is directly about video games, but I found that perhaps my traits are a little bit more wide-reaching into how I live life. See, the questionnaire called me a
Conqueror, that I "like defeating impossibly difficult foes" and such. I'm not sure if "foes" is quite accurate, but I relish the ability to do seemingly impossible things like Fuck You Tetris or defeating Tetris Attack on Super Hard without the use of a continue or running two college clubs simultaneously. I recall that even in high school, I found the period where I was guiding the Garfield bowling team to 2nd place in league, then playing/practicing baseball, preparing/performing Bird In My Head, recovering from relationship stress and getting into colleges to be incredibly stressful but simultaneously incredibly rewarding. The key is to find things that are rewarding.
I joked recently that I was a shark, because if I stopped moving I died. The questionnaire noted that if the Conqueror were an animal, it would be a shark. I am amused.
I think these next few weeks are going to be insane... perhaps even more insane than usual, but I think I'm going to enjoy them.