Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.
What Is Your Seduction Style? Aw.. well since this was ^^suPer^^ CuTe on tor's i just haaaad to do it too! haha parts of it are true.. except for that whole falling fast thing-im stiiiiiiiiLL waaaaaaiiiting! haha WhatEvER!
DaMn LasT nigHt waS fun... even though i was suPEr stressing and the night looked like it was gonna be a BuST it all worked out and we had a bLASt. Didnt get ANY sleep after the drive-in... except maybe like FIVE minutes-no joke. (we had fun though! ;) haha the BEST conversations are always the ones at three in the morning when your both pretty tired and *delirious* but still completely zoned in on your thoughts ha-if that made ANY sense!) ate breakfast w/ Billy WAY to early for it to be enjoyable eehhh but again...what can ya do!? tOdaY was super chill... i think my brain is going throught pMs! ha no joke it has like 282765474 random thoughts bouncing off of e/o and when i get to thinking its NeVer a good thing! haha my brain is over active to the fullest and my in depth thoughts are totally not even in tune with my personality. ha it definitely sucks.
SCHMOOP!!!! you are a SAviOR that ares thing works BOMB and i totally burned two BoMBAsS cds....YES!
awww alex made it home ok from mexico-WheW! that was a close one... haha what a crazy mothertrucker.
Ps:: i LoVe chASe an ToM theY are the FunniESt GuYS eVer! ((eVeN thOUgh im DEFINITELY NOT a sKanK-HA!)) lOve yOU fooLS tO deaTh MwUAh!