Apr 07, 2007 00:15
If you aren't sure if you've pissed me off recently, then this doesn't apply to you. You'd know if it did.
I'm tired...
Of all the bullshit and all the lies
Of all the egocentricities
And all the stupid "But, but...!" cries
I'.m tired...
Of your drama and your crap
Of you telling me I'm wrong
When you're the one at fault
And I'm taking the wrap
I'm tired...
Of your little games and your sad excuses
It's not that bad
Just suck it up
No more sad excuses
I'm tired...
Of this place
I did nothing to provoke your pride
Of your bitter face
And how you wish you had died
I'm tired...
Of this poem
Tired of this rhyme
And I wish I could say
This was the last time
But knowing you
And knowing your way
You'll force the issue
And prolong it's overdue stay
Because that's how you are
You fucking drama queens
Go fuck yourself
And stay off our scene
No one wants you here
No one likes you anyway
And we're not going to sit
To hear you bitch another day
Don't post on my blog
Don't call me your friend
I just want you to know
That here in the end;
I don't have your back
I'll just watch you fall
And this IS The End
So don't bother to call.
If you have good reason to believe this is about you, it probably is. Wanna message me and ask? I'll tell the truth.
I'm really honest to God TIRED of the immature crap effecting me and my friends.on an almost DAILY FUCKING BASIS. The point of this poem is not to antagonize, nor to stoop to the level of said jackassed indiviuals, merely to put it in terms your tiny little brains can understand, you worthless jackasses.
I'm a bitch, yeah I know. This is not news to anyone in any language. I'm just tired of constantly hearing "Woe is me, woe is me!" WHEN IT'S YOUR OWN GODDAMNED FAULT AND IF YOU HAD HALF A FUCKING BRAIN YOU'D HAVE BEEN OVER IT LAST YEAR.
Just because Lil' Susie Emo changed her hair and cres herself to sleep every night, and Lil' Bobby wannabe suicide doesn't have the life, love or family he imagined, expected or thinks is owed him doesn't mean you have to take your shit out on the people who are trying / tried / or are so done with being your friend. If you're not happy, that's not my fucking fault. If you're not happy, you're the only person who has the power to change it. And to be perfectly honest, you're just pushing everyone else away with your crap.
So you have your lackies that you've hypnotized to believe yourside of the story, but I garun-fucking-tee that if they'd seen everything from both sides, they'd have a completely different view on you. Just because you've spun a tale that makes you look innocent with enough drama to flavor your story doesn't mean the truth is any different.
Whiney little sniveling babies. Okay, that was just mean on my part, but I'm at my rope's end. Leave me and my friends alone. We don't want you, we don't want your drama, and I'm just asshole enough to say what everyone else has been thinking for a very very very long time now.
No one likes you.
Get bent.