Dec 29, 2005 22:59
Not but seriously. I'm quickly learning the only reason one has a wedding is to get lots and lots of money from relavtives you don't really know, and hopefully other people too. Anyone reading this is PROBABLY GOING TO BE THERE AND YOU ARE ALL EXCLUDED IN THE GENERAL "People" and "you"'s... you are individuals, not en mass.
I don't have money to get married! That's why I'm getting married at my mom's house in her backyard. That's why My Aunt Michele is catering as my wedding gift. That's why Evan's vidseo taping. That's why Jessica nd Ashley are taking pictures. That's why Marsha's doing my hair. It was SUPPOSED to be why my mother was making my dress... BUT NO, now she wants to order it. They can't do the special stuff I wanted if she orders it.. and I realize that even in her making it it would still cost money, but I WANTED MY MOMMY TO MAKE MY DRESS... (this will probably not be the last whiny fit I have over my wedding)
I mean damn. Anyone want to contribute to the Wes and Miranda getting married fund? I'll take donations. Cash, money order, please make all checks payable to Miranda Harrison (as wes is only showing up on May 14th, so I'll be doiong all the other shit) Edani, MMershon, Phi, Luney and Aurapier are excluded from this shameless begging as they got me an iPod for xmas and I know they must still be poor...
BTW my iPod cost more than my wedding dress is going to. Crazy.
I KNOW WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE. If you're not invited please god do not be angry with me or think hta tI hate you. Just know that it is because My mom's backyard is only so big and or she's been hounding me for people and I suck on the spot so it means I forgot... I'm appologizing now, cause I just see me forgetting to invite someone like Phi, who is my roommate... (My brothers are in it so I don't forget to invite them.)
AND i have to write a letter to my dad telling him that my oldest brother is giving me away. I wanted Dad to, but in retrospect I think it more appropriate considering you know Colin's actually been in my life for the past four years and SOME people haven't (not for lacj of trying on my part. And trying. And trying, and trying and trying... you get the idea) So yeah, I'm afraid he won't show if I do that. And everyone's gonna be like well if he's gonna be that way you're better of without him, and I appreciate the thought BUT I WANT MY FUCKING DADDY THERE GODAMMIT AND HE NEEDS TO GET THE FUCK OVER HIMSELF FOR LIKE TWO HOURS SO I CAN GET MARRIED IN PEACE!!! Gah...
I'm so tressed already and it's not til may... Mercy killing anyone?