Thesis on not being a stalker

Dec 09, 2005 23:32

I am NOT a stalker;

Main Entry: 2stalk
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bestealcian; akin to Old English stelan to steal -- more at STEAL
intransitive senses
1 : to pursue quarry or prey stealthily
2 : to walk stiffly or haughtily
transitive senses
1 : to pursue by stalking
2 : to go through (an area) in search of prey or quarry
- stalk·er noun

Let's take a look at this logically ladies and gentlemen.
2stalk 1: to pursue quarry or prey stealthily. Stealthiy being the key word in this sentence. I have never done anything stealthily. Ask Matt Skiba. Not to mention most of you have been in public with me and can we really use the word stealth when it comes to anything I do? I tend not to think so. I know the Navy Seals probably wouldn't want me and ninjas work for me rather than with me so that one is definately not a problem.

2stalk 2: to walk stiffly or haughtily. HAHAHA! I was a dance for 15 years straight and continue my lessons to this day, I don't move stiffly at all unless it's the morning after a mosh pit (damn Story of the Year) and even then I limp really. A haughtiness from me? e.i. blatantly and disdainfully proud... Well maybe, but I'm too lazy to show it when I walk.

2stalk 1: transitive; to pursue by stalking. I do not stalking as proven above, therefore I could not pursue by stalking.

2stalk 2: transitive; to go through (an area) in search of prey or quarry   I have never hunted deer, nor had prey or quarry anywhere near a wooded area.

Therefore ladies and gentlemen I scoff at your insults and jokes for I know the truth and now in this LJ post have given my discertation with infallable backing that I am NOT a STALKER. Anyone who says differently can go to hell, to straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars.

Now, what I AM is efficient;

Main Entry: ef·fi·cient

Pronunciation: i-'fi-sh&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin efficient-, efficiens, from present participle of efficere
1 : being or involving the immediate agent in producing an effect efficient action of heat in changing water to steam>
2 : productive of desired effects; especially : productive without waste
synonym see EFFECTIVE
- ef·fi·cient·ly adverb

I think that speaks for itself.
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