Sep 09, 2004 05:14
OK kids, I am back, big as bad and twice as ugly...
Ooohh, ok, where should I start... my last journal entry was sometime June 6th, si it's been 3 months. To be honest quite a few things happened back then... including my birthday on the 5th September. If you have forgotten to say Happy Birthday, well, tough luck... remember it next year at least...
OK, so, summer has passed. 4 courses, full time work and a hooker... not a bad bundle to have. Still, I had one of the saddest and least attractive summers of my life simply coz I wasn't there with all of u... seaside, Costinesti, curve... (for non-Romanian speakers: Costinesti is the COOLEST place on the Romanian seaside, cheap everything and nice bitches and curve is the plural of curva. U all know what curva means). Well, at least I had my happier moments.
The first thing worth mentioning is the hooker I've got. U all got the main details, but for the ones that have no idea... send me an e-mail at (yep yep, that is a new gmail account, courtesy of my gay love Hari). 150$, Italian, gymnastics loving (nice coincidence since I was Romanian), 1 hour... Jennifer... she is still in my head... well at least now daddy gives me money for hookers as well, so there will be more coming along.
Second: I got a visit from my parents. 3 weeks of nightmare and fun as well. Nightmare since I couldn't smoke, fun since I got to travel trough Canada and I also was left with a packed fridge. Here is what we did:
Toronto: visited for 4 days. Also saw Niagara Falls while being there. Toronto sucks open ass compared to Montreal. Clinically dead and no things worth seeing. The only thing about is that it is North America's 5th largest city (after Ciudat de Mexico, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago). Still, I was so unimpressed by TO. At least Niagara was truly spectacular. Very nice small city and the falls are indeed beautiful from the Canadian side. Also took the Maid of the Mist, which takes u straight into the mist created by the falls. Superb...
Ottawa: the National Capital amazed me because I was not expecting anything interesting there. But surprisingly enough, it was such a cute place, beautiful scenery, nice buildings and a lot of history. Paliament Hill (BTW, the guide was a HOT Hungarian chick... despite the fact that I hate admitting it), Museum of Civilisation, the By Market, Chateau Laurier, Rideau Hall etc. all give Ottawa a flavour I never expected from this city.
Quebec City: Bienvenue dans la Capitale Nationale, as the French Canadians like to call this city. The actual capital of Quebec (not Montreal as many might think) is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. Vieux Quebec resembles the European cities, no wonder it was built by the French. The French Canadians like to show off their history on every place in the city, from Le Parlament de Quebec all the way to Chateau Frontenac and La Citadelle. Also, outside Quebec there is this place, St. Anne de Beaupre, which has a nice Basilique and closeby some amazing waterfalls... Worth the trip...
Ok, last weekend it was me b-day... so me, my parents and the landlord went to her place in Val David, 100km north of Montreal, close to the mountains. That is a place where the ARC (Asociatia Romanilor din Canada) has frequent meetings. Nice and quiet place. From there we went to St. Jovite and Mt. Tremblant, 2 nice mountain cities that resemble Chamonix, Val D'Isere and other European resorts. It was like being in the Alps right then. Nice place to be...
Well, me parents just left on monday. Classes started and I can feel the pain of assignments and tests crawling up my spine again. I need a break.
OKay chaps, tell me what u have done recently... I want to hear from u... and thanks for all the b-day stuff u guys sent me: messages, e-mails, everything. They were dearly appreciated!
Now a word for me guys back home:
Va iau pe rand:
Alex C& Mihai C: Mersi de mail ma baieti... sa traiti si voi si sa aveti femei pana nu mai puteti da din buci. Succes la olimpiada de restante. :) Mersi Alex de scrisoarea de la Arieseni... am ramas foarte placut impresionat si mi-a adus multe amintiri... cacacioase ca sa zic asa... ca doar nu aveam apa si ne cacam 10 oameni acolo. Doamne ce putea sa puta!!!
Costi, aka Porcu mic: Mersi si tie de mesaj si de vederile de la mare. Pupa pe Andreea ca e tipa misto si de treaba. Vezi ce faci cu femeile... ca vad ca nu duci lipsa pe acolo. Da la buci si pentru mine! Ne mai auzim pe Skype...
Adee, aka Porcu mare: La Multi Ani gras belit si nespalat... sa ne cresti mare... da nu prea gras ca ma faci sa ma simt mic... sa iti mearga bine cu DJ-ingul si sa futi numa fane d-alea parasute asa... RESPECT!
Moriscu: sa te pupe nenea si las-o mai moale cu Andresan aia ca nu e de bine... prea multe curve strica... mda... glumeam logic. Pupa si pe Sabina din partea mea si toate urarile de bine. Ne mai vedem pe YM.
Incercati sa transmiteti urari de bine si lui Iuli, John John si Tzutzu...
Cyrus: ce mai faci ba? Hai sa mai stam la un chat ca am uitat si ce mai faci ma... tot prin Beligia sau inapoi la nemtii tai pe Autobahn? Mai da un semn de viata...
Bogy: no comment, mai lasa futaiu ca strica... am vazut ca ai moaca de suparat pe viata... imi placa. Ce mai face dentistu? Las ca in curand o sa am nevoie de unu... asa ca tine aproape...
Barza: Manolito... unde te mai tarai ca nu am mai auzit nimic de la tine... si tu te zbati cu olimpiada de restante... sau esti d-ala silitor (ete pula). Cum mai merge cu situl de masini?
Do: micutz... unde ti-e fundu ala mare? Mai zi ce mai e fun pe la Pulitehnica... ca vreau si eu sa ma mai rad...
Nikko: mai esti ba in viata? Mortaciune... da-te jos din Golf si mai intra pe YM sa vad ce iti mai poate pielea...
Ando: mersi de urari vere si de pozele super trimise. Sincer m-au bucurat nespus. Tie cum iti mai merge? Tutun alcool femei? Sau doar laba multa ca mine?
Bubu: noi ne-am mai auzit... pupa si pe Melania si pe toti amaratii aia care au sau nu restante... Salutari lui Cosmin Coaie, Radu, Irina, Noro si logic, lui Vali, fara de care nu am putea supravietui...
Wudoo: omule, e intr-adevar un Canon A80, numa ca al mei il au acuma in Romania... asa ca pula poze... prin decembrie ce o sa mai vina. Ne mai vedem pe MSN sau Yahoo. Si nu mai face atatea spume de la mesajele alea in lant.
Bita: dom batranel, eu maine is la baschet, si o sa ma gandesc la tine cand alerg incet si nu dau pase. Cand mai ne vedem si noi pe chat sa ne amintim de zilele bune cand jucam si noi ceva mai repede etc... ah, ce viata atunci ma omule...
Ovi: ne vedem la baschet... vineri seara la mine la 8:30 movie night. Am niste chestii misto care fac super proiectie pe perete de marimi impresionante. te astept.
CIAO A TUTTI... from Montreal!