Aug 31, 2005 21:30
Randy is getting gang banged right now over aim by Stephanie and I. hahaha It's great. I do wish though that my internet connection was quicker so I could rape his music files more often? Le sigh, but atleast I'm getting more new music!!! Hooray for that.
My days have been so busy as of late. It's nice, completly unintenional due to the current situation of things in my life, and very much needed. Though tomorrow I don't know what I will do. Nothing is on my agenda nor anything that really NEEDS to be done. Or anything that I can't afford at the moment anyway =\ Though supposedly I might go to a party at Matt's house? I don't think I'll go seeing how he said I'll most likely end up being the only girl there. Now seeing my current situation, I suppose that's not a half bad thing, but I don't want to be surrounded!!! I'll probably end up not going and just sleeping, like I normally do.
*cries* Gas is now 3.50 a gallon by me. *cries again* I can't afford a rise in gas prices! gah, stupid hurricane, stupid bush.....
I really should put my knee brace back on, I've been forgetting it these past few days and now i can feel it in my knee. I don't think it'll swell back up again, but it just hurts when I bend it =\ Not fun stuff I tell ya, so tomorrow for work I need to remember to put it on in the morning. Maybe you could rememind me? ;) haha
Last night Meg and I attacked IHOP. Twas mucho fun. The place was so packed I'm suprised we even got a table as quick as we did =| ha haha yeah........ RIGHT! lol After we finished only half of our meals I suggested that we go see The Brothers Grimm b/c Matt Damon is freakin HOTT and a kick ass actor <3 hehe It was overall a pretty decent movie too. =D Hurray for awesome night with Meg.
Finaly went downtown and got my ID card today. It actually didn't turn out half bad. A picture I can live with =P I put $20 on the card for parking next week and probably I'll use it to by myself some food so I can last through the day. The bookstore will oficially rape me of money that I DO NOT HAVE. Well not after paying rent the day before, plus add in gas b/c I need to be able to GET places you know, and throw a bit in there for random food and 'entertainment'. I just need a damn raise from work. They can't expect me to keep on driving out there day after day with the way gas is now. Nuh-uh. NO way
It still sucks, and it will for a while. I do know that it will eventually be okay, but I want that I'm okay for a different reason, not because of time. Though I suppose it's almost fruitless to hope that, but I still set myself up for dissapointment.
So believe me when I say, dogs originally had TWO tails, but the overexcitement of two tails led to favorites in which the sad, non-favorite tail fell off. That is why dogs now have only one tail. Thank you and goodnight!