welcome back

Jun 21, 2008 10:59

so it's been a while eh? I didn't even remember that this existed until today when I had called all of my 4 friends, and all of them were out of state doing fun things with their families. But I think I'm going to start writing in this again, because I know all of you are so interested in whats going on in my life.
All of you tracking my pathetic life last summer will be proud to know that I made a friend at my internship this summer. She's very nice, friendly, and funny. and she's in electrical engineering too, so she's got her own social anxieties and totally gets being a female engineer (I totally would have recruited her if she was at RPI). SO much has happened this summer so I think I'm going to post it in separate entries.
As an update though, I think I've opened up over the past year. I'm less socially awkward, especially around my friends, class mates, and sisters. But I will admit that in it's place some social anxieties have sprung up. When in large groups of people (train station, ball park, etc.) it will come in one of two ways. 1) If I'm with people I know, I will get passive agressive and you might hear me say things like "people are so rude/disrespectful" or get really angry- if you could hear my thoughts, you would be offended. 2)  If I'm alone,  I tend to get very anxious and panicy. When I'm in the train station after work (I take the commuter rail home every day) I have to keep walking around the station because if I don't and someone stands next to me for too long, I panic, I can feel my heartbeat race and I need to get out of there ASAP. Yay panic attacks!
So I think to get everyone up to speed without having to do too much work I'm going to cut and paste emails that I've sent to different people and change little bits.
Here we go!
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