Oct 05, 2005 17:28
Party atmospherics Chez Cecily for birthday fun... very student-y, de trop, de trop, quel surprise. The Importance of Being Drag-gy, lots of swapping of costume- Radclyffe's heart is entirely eaten out, the Skeleton Londoner is surpassed by an ex-Ted's e-sporting rendition of a bag-lady. What an good old bean, if perhaps tasteless. Others: bearded vegan with a blue rinse, Guildford unreconstructed 1960s left-wing pre-feminist homo erectus, unrepentant ridicule from someone who Glimpsed the Living Process of a certain Francophone and hated it (no change there), Cecily's own little Cecily, with charming beard to offset that schoolgirl complexion and bunches of hair. Vegan brownie birthday cake (everyone is a vegan or veggie (we're all mad here)) and a healthy complement of Gascony wine. The other celebrant, from Reading, embarassed about the celebration, refuses candles: I blow the candle out. The Smiths plays on the hi-fi. The room presses together in sympathy.