Dec 24, 2006 10:23
Things at the moment are wonderful! Life is progressing along nicely! I'm in a healthy, loving relationship with someone I care about a lot and who cares about me, and it's more amazing than I ever thought it could be. I'm finally in a fantastic and rewarding occupation doing exactly what I want to be doing: I am working in a medical library and it's interesting and challenging. I miss my mum, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that life is random and challenging and sometimes things happen that make one's life unbelievably upsetting, but there is still good in the world and life is still worth living even with the loss of treasured people. When I am feeling a little down I remind myself that I am somewhat healthy, at least physically sound, and that I have food and books and a house to live in and things can't be all that bad after all. I feel very special to be me and I feel appreciated and loved by the people who are important to me. I am very happy with how things are and I am sure that I have the strength and determination to keep things this way. Life is random and confusing and sometimes extraordinarily beautiful.