Jul 02, 2005 12:03
if anyone has a question anything random, anything dont b shy, post me and ill answer it.
name: adalia corrine shanelle cotional
age:17, 18 in 2 days
what i want in a girl: sumone who can make me laugh and likes me for me
* Eyes: hazel
* Hair: black with red and blond underneath
* Height: 5'5
* Shoe Size: 6 in mens
* Have tattoos?: 2 stars on my hip bones
* Have piercings?:eyebrow, nose, nipples,lip twice,alot more.
* Own a webcam?:it broke
* Boxers or briefs : thongs, boxers to chillax in
* Wear Cologne: lucky you for woman
GIRLS: Turn on/offs:
dresses like a slut: only in the bedroom
dresses like a grandma: no effing way
dresses like a prep: as long as they are not stupid, i dont judge on style..
dresses in all black: black is always good. hey, ya like the style, do it
sings:i love a girl with a great voice
plays a musical instrument: well, i play drums, and i sing in a band, so yea.
is skinnier than you: it depends on the person
is bigger than you: if they are a good person.considering i am a tooth pick
is shorter than you: i dont really give a shit either way.
is tal
ler than you: turn on. everyones taller than me.my xx was taller
has straight teeth: turn on, but i have a fettish for braces
wears braces: oh yes yes
has chapped lips: ill give u chappedstik
has green eyes: hott
has blue eyes: also hott
has brown eyes:yes they are hott
has long hair: sumtimes, i like to play with hair
has short hair: i like
drinks alcohol: not an alcoholic, but drinkings fine
smokes cigarettes: i smoke ciggs,
smokes pot: i do, i dont mind it.
wears glasses:i wear glasses
has blonde hair: depends
has brown hair: i love brunettes.
has black hair: love it
is tan: fake= bad. real= sexy. tanlines = sexy. softball tanlines = orgasm.i agree with carly
works out: i dont like girls that are beasty, but girls that take care of their body are soooo cool.
smiles more than you: uh yea i love smiles
smacks your butt: hard oh yea
compliments you: i like it because im self concious sumtimes
shaves her legs:wtf of course no hairly girl legs
wears jewelry: yeah, thats typically cute.i like plastic, not that bling gold crap
has bigger feet than you: uhh i dont care..thats an odd queston
has smaller feet than you:cute
wears perfume: juss as long as its tasteful.
smiles when you walk into the room: makes me blush
wants to be a mom: no! omg. im a fucking fruit basket. unless i love her we can adopt,
Likes to make out: oh yes. kisses r fun
shaves her..area: yes better acess
burps: cute, i lo ve a girl who can b herself
farts: thats hott.
talks to your parents: i dont mind, my family know im gay
plays with your brothers/sisters: even better
Piercings: love<3
Let's walk on the: polar bear for hours
Let's run through: the sprinklers
Let's look at: herass lol
What a nice: smile.
Where have all the: good people gone?
When will they: figure out they aren't going anywhere.
How can: you look at me with those loving eyes, and turn away? that is beautiful woman
Why can't you: love me
Silly, little: emo whore
Show me some: ass
The sky: is beautiful
Tell me: what your dreams are made of
Hide me: and hold me tight
Love me: with everything you've got.
I hate your stupid:.little whore friend
Are you that: fucking retarded?
Take off: all your clothes.and put them on the floor
* Wearing:star t shirt with ty dyed sleves, and ripped jeans, converse
* Eating: nothing. sobe is wha im drinking
* Thinkin about: how i want a gf
* Cried: so many times
* Worn jeans:yes
* Met someone: yeah,an amazing girl..online