Jun 19, 2007 18:09

ITT: A summary of Shigure's past few days starting with Rabi's deaging mostly to organize my thoughts. It contains links and helpful commentaries.

Warning: It is long and I fail at making sense sometimes.

Rabi deaged. This initially freaked Shigure out somewhat for several reasons, but mostly because he cared and he said he'd be responsible for him. Shigure is very bad at responsible and he hates to HAVE to take care of things. Anyway, Michael said he'd help, Kanda agreed to let him take care of it and everything was going just fine until Ticky showed up.

Shigure noticed him, but Michael was close and he didn't think Ticky would hurt a little boy. Shigure was oh so wrong and Ticky gave Rabi a practical demonstration of his abilities. Cue to freak-out. Ticky cut Rabi a little then let him go, and as soon as the boy was safe Shigure got stupider and threatened Ticky. Ticky turned the threat into a game and Shigure was too angry to care.

After that, they all went to chill at Dumbles' place and Kanda and Shigure went out to talk about how much Shigure fails at looking after others. Kanda didn't hurt him as much as Shigure expected him to because Shigure had offered himself to Ticky. Anyway, after that Shigure had a cigarette before going back into Dumbles' pimp house and spending the night there.

The following afternoon Shigure went looking for Abel. Why Abel? Well, Shigure knows and trusts him, he also knew Abel wasn't human and honestly thought he could beat Ticky. He hadn't thought Abel would be unable to hurt Ticky at all. This was also very stupid of him.

Shigure told Abel everything, but when it got to the point of actually asking him to kill Ticky, he couldn't bring himself to. Abel told him to take him to Ticky anyway. And Shigure didn't object, because in the end that's what he wanted. Shigure was not happy about it at all, but he led Abel to the graveyard where he fought Ticky. Sort of. (Warning: Fight contains much gore.) It took Shigure under five minutes to realize how very stupid he'd been, and regret having gotten Abel involved.

While the fight was going on, Shigure just stood at a safe distance and watched, even though he wanted to turn away and run. He had to make himself watch because he had caused it and he deserved to see it. He only turned away a couple of times to throw up. By the time the fight was (mostly) over Shigure was pale and sweaty, and almost willing to let Ticky kill him and have it be done with it. But Abel saved his ass by offering himself instead. And, okay. Abel had just gotten his organs taken out one by one which couldn't have been a pleasant experience. And yet, he was still willing to protect Shigure. Shigure knows he should have said something. Just let Ticky kill him and end it and move on. But he thinks if he died, Akito would have been able to tell. And then everyone in his family would have known and they don't deserve that. There's also that Shigure doesn't WANT to die. Despite his logic, he still feels like a coward for having let Abel do that for him.

So, Ticky called him out and he showed up, still pale, still scared and feeling worse than he'd felt in his life. But he's a good actor and can push away the feelings he doesn't want to acknowledge, so once Ticky left, he talked to Abel for a while. And he was almost normal. Shigure thanked Abel, tried and failed once to explain just exactly how he was feeling, they talked some more. Shigure tried and failed again to say just how thankful he was and offered instead to help Abel in anyway he could. Then Abel thanked him and Shigure just. Broke.

Shigure had been blaming himself for everything since Rabi got hurt. He'd been stupid and careless, then he'd gotten Abel into it. He was willing to let people get hurt for him. Abel had just told him it had been the most painful experience of his life. And then he thanked him. This adding to the fact that Shigure had never seen that kind of violence nor crazy. It got to a point where Shigure couldn't shrug it off anymore so he let it crash.

And Abel was damn awesome about it. He didn't push anything, told Shigure it was okay and hugged him when Shigure really needed the contact. And he listened to Abel's heartbeat for a bit... which helped him get slightly over Ticky having ripped it out. And he was suddenly feeling better. He's still not okay but Abel helped much more than even Shigure realizes.

So, what now?

Shigure will dedicate most of his time to find out about both Ticky's and Abel's powers. He'll make notes, try to figure out weaknesses in both parts and try to find Abel a weapon. He'll talk to Rabi as soon as he ages back and he'll also approach Radu.

Regarding Abel, Shigure is now his bitch. He won't lie to him about important things and won't hide important things unless he feels he absolutely has to. He'll help him with whatever Abel needs help with and will do so happily... essentially, Abel got himself a dog.

As for Shigure's mental state. Right now he's a mess emotionally, he's confused as hell and he doesn't know how to fix it. But he has more pressing matters to attend to, so he's leaving his confusion aside for a while. He'll be exactly the same with most people except for body language. He won't be draping on people or headpatting them as often as he normally does. If people notice and he's called on it, he'll shrug it off and act more believably next time.

If anyone was crazy enough to read all that and has any questions "Why did Shigure do [this] and not [this]" or "What was he thinking when [this]?" please, PLEASE ask them. It'll help me sort him out.

essays, i am a retard

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