May 23, 2005 14:34
This whole school year I have gone out of my way to be nice to you. I have never done anything mean to you. The only time I have ever spoken about you behind your back is to complain about the fact you have hated me for no reason. When you first came here, I talked to you as soon as I saw you. I introduced you to my friends. I invited you to do things with me. Then people started telling me about how you were talking about how annoying and whatever else I am and my voice is behind my back. Even then I forgave you and tried not to believe the people telling me, despite the fact those people were much more honest with me then you have been. I'm not even going to start on when you and Alastair decided to bitch me out, not because I had done anything wrong to you, but because you didn't like my personality, and, obviously I was forcing you to hang around and talk to me. Recently I assumed we were on okay terms again but apparently still at the very mention of my name, you just have to show your dislike of me. I don't know what to do because apparently you just don't like me and there is nothing I can do about it. I don't like the situation but I dislike the way we're pretending even more. If you don't liike me just say it and we can just not talk to each other anymore. I'd like for us to be friends but I guess I'm not good enough for you.