Sep 02, 2010 22:56

Title: Enigmatic (1/1)
Characters: Dean, Sam, Jo
Rating: PG
Word count: 180
Summary: He can feel the smooth cue prickling his skin. (Gen!fic with a slightly Dean/Jo)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Special thank to gestaltrose  . <3


If hell is a place, and there are corpses, bodies and humans, dealing with “the supernatural” doesn’t seem impossible to Dean Winchester. If there is a God, not on any piece of toast but actually is, and God creates, Dean doesn’t understand the difference between hell and heaven.

And if heaven is a place too, and Jo is there, still human, still breathing, maybe Dean is capable of bringing her back. But he can’t make a deal with any crossroads demon, not when Sam is sitting next to him, not when the night is suffocating, and he is driving to Apocalypse. He can feel the smooth cue prickling his skin. The engine cries, the Impala wants to scratch the road. Dean shrugs; nonetheless, he always knows his duty and his place.

If there is a Lamb waiting behind the curtain to open seals, and horsemen will crack the sky into tiny pieces, ripping apart everything Dean calls world and killing every voice and noise, Dean really doesn’t understand the difference between heaven and hell.

dean/jo needs more love, spn owns it, !fic

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