May 11, 2007 20:19
So I am coming up on a month since I had my tubes done and the reality has finally kicked me in the ass that I am no longer able to have children anymore. I think that it's due in part to the fact that I have my period right now and for most women that is a sign that they are able to have a child. I don't know anymore, I know that for health issues I have done the right thing but it still doesn't make it any easier to live with right now, although I know in time that it will get easier, it's just weird how things work out sometimes.
Chris is taking steps to a career change. He is in the process of trying to get a job with the CN right now. If things go well then he could be working there within a month, and hopefully it will be less stress then he is dealing with now. The only downfall could be if at some point there isn't enough work here but there is in another city, then he would go there to work--on the company of course! It wouldn't be that hard on me, as I would be used to him being gone as the first three years that we were dating, he was still in the military and gone for a good portion of that. It will for sure be hard on the girls, especially Madison but I am sure that if it does happen and the more he is gone they will both get used to the idea.
I am finally going to do something for myself, and it has only taken me eight years to do it! I have gone on a diet and decided that I want to lose some weight as I am at the heaviest that I have ever been in my whole life! It has been hard going but I have only been at it for the last two weeks, so I am sure that if I keep at it I will get the results that I want in the end. I have decided that I am not setting a goal weight for myself or a time in which to lose the weight as I don't want to be disappointed if I don't get there in the "alloted" time. I know ideally how much weight I would like to lose, and if I do get there then I will be happy, and if I don't get all the way there, I will still be happy. At least this way, either way actually, I will know that all the hard work has paid off in one way or another. Also by doing it this way I won't have other people putting added pressure on me to get to that specific weight in that time frame.