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Mar 27, 2006 22:43


St Patrick's was fun...green beer...yummy!
The Saturday after that we saw Paul Aiden...he was really good and we had a good time there. The stern looking lady at the table next 2 us burst into hysterics laughing and pointing at me and Katie W coz we were on the floor making shadow puppets in the lamp...they were really good ones!

Then there was a week of school followed by my 'gap weekend' where i did nothing...not even 1 thing...but i did go 2 tennis 4 the 1st time in like...a month!!! Oh yeah...and i made my mum a card, a computer presentation and honey and cinnamon cookies for mothering sunday...that made her happy so we went out 2 dinner...mmm...yummy!

Hahahahahahahaha...2day at lunch break me, Katie S, Katie W and Ivana laughed until we cried...and it didn't stop there...it went on and on and on and on and oooon............hahaha yeah...that was funny. Anisha in the meantime looked at us like we were weird coz she missed what we were laughing at lol...infact we 4got what we were laughing at too...then we started laughing at Ivana who was laughing the most...!!!!!!

So anyway...we cried and it was funny!
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