Personality testing

Jan 21, 2005 11:37

Warm today, 24.5 degrees F. wind gusting to 14 from the SE and the barometric pressure is 29.5. The sky is overcast. I can smell snow, probably later this afternoon.

Not sure what sparked the interest of our Supervisors but we will be going through the Myers Briggs personality test. I filled out the questionnaire this morning and submitted to a group in town. They will compile the results and come out into the field and give us the results. I guess this will help us understand our personalities which in turn may help us understand why some of us are like we are. Yippie....

I went on line and took a separate test to get an idea ahead of time of what my personality is and I will compare those results with the results back from town.

Ok, if you really want to know I am a ISFJ personality. Go figure.

After reviewing my annual performance review by my Supervisors, I would have to agree with the results matching my personality type.

Today I also filled out my initial RWP and EOI form. This is the Resume, Work Preference and Expression of Interest forms. So what the heck does that mean. With the upcoming Station Electrification project and the reduction of the work force, the company wants to know what our preference is. So I will be telling them I would like to work through the project and commissioning of the new equipment (RWP)and that I plan to retire in two years EOI. Time to let the youngsters take over and enjoy all the fun.

Gravespinner and I have lots of golf stories to work on.
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