Dec 25, 2010 00:21

[Mia's been in the Christmas spirit all week, and in particular on the two days leading up to Christmas. Despite the bad possibilities - nothing in the town is ever guaranteed to be pleasant - she's been determined to keep being happy and hopeful.

Two days before Christmas, she starts baking a lot of cookies and chocolate muffins. A good number of them go suspiciously missing before she ever takes them off the cooling rack.

Christmas Eve, she starts wrapping presents. Some of them end up under the tree in the house. For the others, she's wandering out into the town to deliver them to their lucky recipients...]

[If your characters are on remotely good, pleasant terms with Mia, they get cookies! For closer friends... well, let's just say the mun fails and has not thought of anything really good, feel free to throw her a bone. Merry Christmas everyone!]
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