Oct 25, 2010 00:09
When you leave the house, can you please be sure the kittens aren't getting out? Jigglypuff is pretty easy to notice, but the kittens are a different story. Chang has gone missing just in the house alone at least twice this week... He's the little black one. The others aren't much of a problem.
This time, though, I can't find him anywhere in the house and he hasn't come to eat. I'm sure he slipped out in the chaos of this morning, if he even got out - he may have learned to keep quiet. I hope he hasn't gotten out, seeing as he's just a kitten in the midst of what's going on right now. But if you see him outside, if you could catch him and bring him back to 1448 Mitchell Road? I'd very much appreciate it. He should come when called.
Thank you.