I like the word 'fark'.

Apr 13, 2004 12:05

Yeah, so I'm doing the LJ thingy. Not that anything really happens in my life, but it's something to do since I end up on the computer so much nowadays.

I picked my username just to be different. For those of you out there who it might concern, I'm usually found under the following aliases:

....yeah. Whatever, right? I figure if anyone's interested in what goes on during my days, then they can read this. If not, fine.

So for starters....I didn't go to class today. Again. I've got to stop doing that, despite the fact that I'm farking failing those classes I skipped beyond all hope of redemption short of an enormous bribe, which is something I'd never do. Coercion is my style. Why grease palms when you can crack skulls?

But I digress. I didn't go to class. At least I go to work when I'm supposed to, and usually make it there early, thanks in part to a new rule saying I need to be there early to count down my till, so I can immediately begin helping the wonderful customers right when my shift is scheduled to start, providing them with the finest in customer service for $6.50 an hour.

Fuck that, man. How nice I am depends entirely on my mood. Don't get me wrong, I'm always polite, and always accomodate my customers as best I can. But if I'm in a bad mood, the word of the day is "icy formality." I try to avoid eye contact during such times because the people'd probably think I was going to kill them. Oh yeah, and they started that whole "five-star service" gimmick at my store, too. I'll tell you what: unless you're one of my regular customers, you're probably not going to get five-star service. Try two-and-a-half or three-star service, because that's all they pay me for. I'll answer your questions, I'll go and find something for you, I'll sack your groceries if there's no sacker to be found, but don't expect me to be dripping with cheer and shit like that. I never ask people "Did you find everything okay?", because if they couldn't find something, they should have asked before they got to my register. In the middle of the check-out process is NOT the time to decide you need to go back and grab a few items that you forgot. I'll watch your stuff for you, just don't hold up my line.

I gotta clean my guinea pig's cage today. It's going to be interesting trying to catch him because he's scared of me again. Farking critter hates guitar playing. I sure hope I never have to practice my trombone at home, if something as quiet as a non-amped guitar scares him. At least I can move the guitar into another room, shut some doors, and there's no problem. But when I play trombone, you can hear it all through the house, even if my door's shut.

But right now, I have to get home. Got stuff to do, and a class to go to tonight. Farking night class.
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