Yamete kudasai!!!!

Apr 16, 2004 08:49

I hate spam. Not Spam, the food; spam, the crap you get in your email. It's so utterly useless. I don't understand why people keep sending it. I guess they keep sending it because there are idiots out there who actually buy the products/services advertised in the spam. So I guess what I'm pissed about are the fucktards who provide spammers with a reason to continue propagating spam.

I don't like idiots. I define 'idiot' as someone possessing normal-or-better intelligence who routinely does things that defy all logic. Everyone does things that defy all logic from time to time, so I must differentiate between those of us who are normal and those who practice idiocy as if it were a religion. Like spammers. Sometimes, I think idiots should be physically tormented until they decide to use their brains. Then I remember that I won't be defining what makes an idiot. Some idiot in Congress will. That leaves a great deal of potential that normal people who use common sense would be the ones being persecuted.

And that, my friend, is a frightening thought.

Nevertheless, I find spam detestable. Also infomercials and bulk mail that doesn't include fast-food coupons, because I don't need 20% off vinyl siding. Infomercials are utterly useless. So are most talk shows, but I won't get into television today.

That's all for now. More to come when I get around to it.
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