Has anyone ever...

Dec 29, 2010 17:12

As some of you know, Pebbles has had to go and see Uncle Jason for an op. He has removed what turned out to be a massive absess measuring around 2cm from her mouth, just under her eye. He also had to remove 2 molars (as opposed to the one we had hoped) in the process.

He is hoping that the area will heal, however, Uncle Jason has said that if it does not close, he may have to do something called something like 'marsupial' but Mummy can't remember the proper word despite only getting off the phone to him about 5 minutes ago. The thing is that Jason said that if he has to seal it in this way (which apparently involves sewing her skin) mummy will have to keep it flushed and clean for life. She doesn't have a problem with this but is worried she won't be able to do it properly. Does anyone have any experience of this or know how it is done and how easy it is?


Sweep-Bun, reporting from Pebbles side.

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