
Jan 16, 2010 12:57

Pebbles's eye infections are back - and Uncle Guy thinks they're here to stay.

Pebbles got another eye infection about 2 weeks ago and mummy checked her teeth. She had a little white popping out of her gum and mummy was almost hopeful that it was a tooth because although that would mean an operation, it may also have been the cause of her eye infection. However, Uncle Guy took a look and hopparently she has grown a 'peg tooth' since having her incisors out which Uncle Guy says is fine and won't bother her. He put her on what mummy and daddy have taken to calling 'the usual' (duphapen, metacam and tiacil) and asked her to come back in about 10 days. 10 days later and while her eyes were better, they were not clear of infection and so she has been given an eye drop containing steroid (maxitrol) and, after having this new combination for a few days now, her eye does seem to have really calmed down a lot.

Mummy asked Guy if Pebs will now be on duphapen etc. for the long term and he thinks that she will indeed be. However, he said that there were no serious long term implications for this except for the fact that mummy and daddy will need to continue to keep an extra special eye on her poos and they will have less pellet tokens!

Pebs however seems unaware that anything is wrong with her :) she managed to dig and chew (with a single peg tooth!) through the wee wee sensor cable yesterday and even managed to make mummy and daddy think that was great! She's bouncing around, racing me up and down the stairs and fighting for the best spot under the 2foot nestbox. What a superbun.

I on the other hand have taken up cleaning. I have been licking Peb's eye to keep her clean and Mummy says I do a significantly better job than she does with pads and cold tea bags. Therefore I too am a superbun!

Over and out,

Sweep-bun (eye-cleaner extraordinaire to Pebbles-bun)

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