I helped Kellianne set up her
new hair blog (check it out!) yesterday and in all my fiddling with Wordpress I decided I wanted a professional blog too! It's fun because I sort of realized what my profession is. I always have such a difficult time when people ask me what I do. Well, I'm an entrepreneur sorta, and a software developer sorta, and a bar owner sorta, but I don't identify even a little bit with any of those professions. At heart, I think my "profession" is a doer of social learning projects. A certain class of projects in particular.
- 43 Things
- McLeod Residence
- Office Hours
- 8:36pm
- Moby Dick Book Club
- Credit Card Roulette
- Friendlington
- Currently In Season
- Health Month
- Healthy potluck nights
- Morale-O-Meter
- etc
I think they can all be said to have a few things in common. A lot of them are about bringing people together, or sharing something with others. Most of them involve learning something new or paying attention to something that I haven't paid much attention to before. Appreciating something new, discovering something new, etc.
So, today, I decided to be a little more official in my own head about it. I'll start a blog separate from this one (as I've done unsuccessfully a few times before, most notably my
Radical Mutual-Improvement blog). So I'm not going to make any big promises with this one either until I'm a few weeks or months into it. I'm a little hesitant to even link to it yet... maybe after I get a couple more posts up. But considering I've been relatively successful learning how to cook Indian food and going to yoga and doing Health Month (except for last night) I think I may be getting a little better at starting things and continuing them. My weekly review is helping me too, as I get to think about all of the projects I'm working on every week, and won't just forget let something fall off the radar accidentally.
I think it would be fun if other people wanted to explore this idea of feeling a bit more intentional about our "professions" (whether or not they are related to actual jobs at the moment) and start up Wordpress sites with me. I have room on my server if you need a host. And I can also handle all of the set up and stuff if you're not terribly technical. All that is required is that you have a desire to take on the experiment with a bit of energy and inspiration. Ingo's already getting set up. Who's next!
Also, if you're already doing this somewhere, let me know!