I don't keep a regular record of my life, but I feel like writing things down is a way of reflecting on them and shuffling them into a useful order for myself. I don't do this as often now, but when things were confusing for me as a kid or I'd had a really crappy day, I'd sit there with my journal and write out the bad things that had happened as a way to make sense of them. Sometimes I didn't even really finish off the account, but the act of starting to write it all down would help. Often when I go back and re-read things, I find that I don't really remember the things I was writing about. I mean, I didn't remember that my ex-boyfriend crushed my 25th birthday party by refusing to go, but I have a whole couple of pages detailing it. Maybe if I hadn't written it down, I would have let it churn in the back of my mind and I would have left his loser ass sooner, but if I hadn't written it down, I also wouldn't have found it later on when I was still moping about breaking up our relationship and felt better about my decision to dump his loser ass.
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